one click to share status in all social media

How to share status in all social media with one aplication

fast triks to promote your status - faceboook, instagram, twitter and tumblr is a social media have got popularity in world, many people have used this social media. and a problem will get if user want to share status in all social media ( facebook, instagram, twitter, tumblr ). And now, i will share tips to share all status to social media in one click, and no need open one by one for every social media..
aplication will we use is instagram, okey, open this apication in your smartphone android, next, open your settings, “ edit your profile ”.
how to share your social media accounts
Sliding to settings panel, and klik “ linked accounts”.
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In this panel, you must connecting all social media have you had. Klik one by one, and login with your email and your password.
And, if all aplication have connected, now, you can upload new image and video. Not only it, all status have you created will automatically shared to all social media have connected in your instagram. And if you want share to selected social media, you can mark selected social media.
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And next problem, how to share old status,?? Answer for this question is, its very easy. Firs step, klik selected old image or old video you have. Next, click button menu, and click “ share ” .
smart trik to share status in social media
Next step, mark your selected social media will have used to share old status, and after it, click button check.
how to share status to all social media
and next time , your old status will share automatically to all accounts have selected anda marked.
I hopefully this tutorial can be helpful, and give your feedback, with leave comments, share to facebook, or twitter.
Source header image  header Bloomua/

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