tips to make presentation videos with microsoft powerpoint – microsoft office is a program have get more popularity in people have been using operating windows. With this program, user can easy to make document, spreadshet, presentation and all requirement to support in office work.
Later, new version of microsoft office have launched and call named microsoft office 2013, many new feature have borned, new feature have available in word, excel, powerpoint, etc. And ad this post, i will create tutorial to make presentation videos with microsoft office powerpoint, and make presentation be more different.
Okey, firs step, you must open microsoft office aplication, ( this tutorial will work if you have used office 2010 version or latest ).
Next.. you must klik FILE -> export , and choose options " create a video ".
After you have clicked options "create a video ", you will meet a new page like as image in bottom.
Next steps, you must choose size video will you create.
Next, you also can setup how long every page will pause when video will be viewing, if you need this setup, you can skip.
Next, you must set the timing your slide will be viewing, example, you want yo make your slide in presentation video will have be changed every 5 seconds.
After all setup have you do, now, you must click button " create a video ", and choose directory will be using to save project. And now, you must waiting video will have been creating.
The process video will be creating can looked like as image in bottom. Please wait some minutes. If indicator have fulled, you can click video to open and view.
If this tutorial can be helpfull for you, please share or give like.. so , me can created more tutorial can you read.. thank you...
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